Do you know OS 9.3 is release , and lots of people like design of OS9 , it's very famous and elegant , all compoments are beautiful . but they design iNoty for Phone 6S only , now we bring Notification bar style OS 9 to android and it's iNoty style OS 9iNoty OS9 show many information ( time , weather , sms ....) and this is useful iNotify application to help you handle your phone everyday
Features of iNoty style OS 9- Notification bar like Phone 6S and Phone 7 ( OS 9 and OS 10 )- New layout of notification style of Phone6S- Lot of function like iNoty on Phone 7- Customnize inotify information on notification bar- High quality and very fast to show noti- Show datetime with format of Phone 6S- Show weather info , sock and other information
How to use iNoty OS9- Install and open inotifycation app- Enable app from setting to make iNoty OS9 is default - Swipe down to show iNoty . Swipe again to show the defaultthat's all
Thanks to use iNotify style of OS9